TL494 Inverter/SMPS (Switch Mode Power Supply) Gate Drive Transformer Control Circuit Tutorial
TL494 Gate Drive Transformer Control Circuit for Inverter and Switch Mode Power Supplies
TL494 Gate Drive Transformer Control Circuit for Inverter and Switch Mode Power Supplies
TL494 Gate Drive Transformer Control Circuit for Inverter and SMPS half bridge and full h bridge

Half Bridge Inverter and SMPS Topology Circuit

Hi. In today's tutorial I'll show you how to make a reliable and efficient Inverter or SMPS (Switch Mode Power Supply) Mosfet Gate Drive control circuit based on the TL494 PWM IC. With this, you can easily drive a Half-Bridge or Full-Bridge (H-Bridge) like a charm. This way you can design any kind of a switching power supply or Inverter.
Circuit Link:
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